
The bureau has received reports that sightings by laymen and crypto-zoologists have recently been on the increase.

This phenomenon is no longer considered as a 'myth' by this department and you are
Requested and required to investigate this matter.

As you are aware several 'eye-witness' accounts of this have been, at best, suspect so please use caution when writing your report.

You may wish to confer with other department members currently investigating similar incidents.

Contacts :-

Any evidence you can gain from actual witnesses or friends, of witnesses

Material :-

A selection of videotapes and TV shows now cover reported incidents.

Media :-

The media, TV, Radio and Papers cover these events quite often, search local papers for any possible leads.

Internet :-

There are several web sites that deal with this. If you gain access to the Internet try there.

Books :-

There are many references to Bigfoot  B. Heuvelmans "On the Track of Unknown Animals”
J. Green "On the track of the Sasquatch" and "The Sasquatch Files”

Your library has some books that deal with this too :-

"The Unexplained" 12 volumes
"Explaining the Unexplained"
"Unexplained Mysteries of the World"
"The X-Files" The official Guide to the X-Files
"The X-Files Series" Jnr reader series