The Bermuda Triangle Devil's Triangle

This phenomenon has long since caused much concern to this bureau and some form of definitive answer is now required concerning this area.

This department would welcome the opportunity to close the file on this mystery and you are required to investigate this matter.

As you are aware there are several areas with similar reputations similar to the BT and you are urged to take these into account when writing your report.

You may wish to confer with other department members currently investigating similar incidents

Contacts: - Any evidence you can gain from actual witnesses or friends of witnesses

Material: -  A selection of videotapes and TV shows now cover reported incidents.

Media: - The media TV Radio and Papers cover these events quite often check local papers for any possible leads.

Internet: - There are several web sites that deal with this.

References: - L. D. Kusche “The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved”
Paul Begg  “Into Thin Air”
C. Wilson "Enigmas and Mysteries"
J. Goodwin “Unsolved: The World of the Unknown”

Other references from the library include:-

Video's UFO........ 10 videos

"The Unexplained" 12 volumes
"Explaining the Unexplained"
"Unexplained Mysteries of the World"
"The X-Files” The official Guide to the X-Files
"The X-Files Series" Jnr Reader series